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Aku tak tahulah dah berapa tahun aku tinggal blog ni.  Instead of using wattpad- i think I want to use my blog again.  Atleast aku tak dapat...

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Assalamualaikum! And a very good day to all of you, readers. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Praise to The Almighty. Alhamdulillah. I don’t know how many times do I want to thank Allah for this good news.

Again, Alhamdullilah, thank you Allah for this REZEKI. SPLIT is officially OUT! I’ve seen the cover, and I’m gonna show it to you guys too!

So here’s my fourth baby.


MARYAM, gadis yang umurnya kian lanjut usia dan belum terbuka pintu hatinya buat sang arjuna setelah pernah dikecewakan… Sehinggalah dirinya mula didatangi seseorang yang baik bicaranya, murah dengan senyumannya. Tanpa diduga, mereka berdua menetap di bawah satu kondo yang sama!

“Kenapa saya tak pernah nampak awak?” – MIKAEL
“Resident kat sini mungkin beribu. Probability awak nak terserempak dengan saya macam satu nisbah tujuh ribu. So, memanglah kita tak pernah terserempak.” – MARYAM
Hari demi hari pun berganti sehinggalah karakter yang berbeza dalam tubuh yang sama buat pertama kali muncul di hadapan Maryam! Jejaka penuh misteri itu kadang-kadang boleh berubah menjadi seorang pemarah, kasar, jahat dan semua sikap mazmumahlah senang cakap!
“Hoi? Kau hoikan aku? Aku ada nama okey. Nama aku bukan hoi. Hafez. H-A-F-E-Z. Hafez.” – HAFEZ
“Mikael, tak payah nak main-mainlah! Siang tadi awak tak buat perangai macam ni pun.” – MARYAM
Persoalan mula bermain di minda Maryam. Siapa MIKAEL? Dan siapa pula HAFEZ? Belum lagi reda hal Mikael dan Hafez, muncul pula karakter kanak-kanak bernama Adam yang mencari ibunya! Bertambah kalut Maryam jadinya! Siapa pula ADAM?
Perhubungan Mikael dan Maryam semakin rapat dan hampir beralih ke gerbang perkahwinan setelah desakan daripada ayah Maryam yang tak habis-habis meminta supaya Maryam segera berkahwin. Pada waktu itu, Maryam merasakan Mikael calon yang paling layak. Setelah berkahwin, ada lagi kejutan yang dialami Maryam. Kejutan apakah itu? Ada tiga sahajakah personaliti Mikael? Akan tersingkapkah lagi personaliti Mikael yang belum diketahui Maryam? Mampukah Maryam terus hidup dengan karakter-karakter lain Mikael? Semuanya akan terjawab dalam Split.

Okay, untuk pengetahuan semua, buku ni termasuk dalam combo OGOS which is in a few days akan keluar ke kedai-kedai buku berdekatan. BUT! Start harini, which is 26 july 2017, kau orang boleh mula dapatkan buku ni only at MAEPS, SERDANG until 30 July 2017. Ada pesta buku kat sana, so please please please pergi sana to grab your books. Sebab! Karyaseni akan buat jualan with up to 70% discounts! So time ni la kalau kau orang nak berjimat pun kan.


Idea untuk buat buku ni muncul since I diploma semester 4@5( tahun 2013-2014) macam tu sebab I ter-kenal seseorang secara tak sengaja yang ada this kind of disorder. It’s kinda disaster and I heartbroken teruk time tu like everyday crying sebab macam tak percaya. It’s not that I tak boleh terima dia macam tu, but the thing is, dia bersangkut dengan orang lain and I can’t teruskan the relationship because the one that I loved is the other personalities yang wujud. Maksudnya bukan domain. If baca SPLIT, Mikael is the domain. Tuan punya diri. And character lain is like, Hafez, Adam and etc. So in my situation, I was with Hafez or Adam etc. Get it? It’s complicated. While the domain loves orang lain. Hah!

And then that time I was working on my Be My Wife (BMW) so SPLIT was just an idea. Original title for SPLIT was SPLIT itself! Hahahahaha. Betapa lamanya cerita ni terperap dalam kepala. Hahahaha.

So on 2016, I start garap sikit the stories. Like about 2-3 chapters tapi disebabkan study – assignments, quizzes, classes, events and exams, macam susah sikit nak spend masa untuk SPLIT. AND.. What shocked me… early 2017 which is time tu SPLIT dah half, keluar pula movie TITLED SPLIT!

DAMN IT! But well, I teruskan juga untuk habiskan cerita tu. I nekad tak nak tengok movie tu sebelum cerita I selesai! Sebab I takut I might tercopy the idea. Then I finished the book on akhir March 2017. Barulah I tengok movie SPLIT tu but uh well, I tak faham cerita dia. Hahahaha. But you know it’s the same idea of people who have DID. So dah hantar, and I tunggu penilaian. The process took about 4 months until it’s been published!

So yeah. I didn’t copy the Hollywood movie! It’s just come with coincident and I was way too late. Heh. So that’s that. As much as I enjoyed typing it, I hope you guys enjoy reading it! CK, BMW, and DC. I must say, sebelum SPLIT keluar, the most yang I enjoy tulis is CK. That took me around 2 months untuk siapkan. SPLIT took around 2 months half jugak. So yeah, SPLIT is gonna be my favourite collection yang dah dipublish so far.

Kalau nak tanya fav I termasuk dengan yang belum publish lagi, ofc its gonna be DTM. I was so in love with DTM (Dia Troublemaker). I don’t know if I can still write a good story as good as DTM (personal opinion). So yeah.. I hope you guys enjoy reading it! I will announce either on my FB (Nurul Ain Syuhada) or on my blog if I ambil order.

I’m not gonna be a writer if I don’t have each one of you. I read all your comments. Negatives and positives. It’s really build my inner motivations. So thank you. I don’t have much to offer to you to show my gratitude, but you guys will always be in my doa. For those yang nak tulis novel, I pray hard for your success. Some DM-ed me kata, takut nak cakap dengan writer sebab some macam tak layan. Well they might be busy but if you ask for my help, insya Allah I will try to help you as much as I can. Cz I’ve been there, done that. Again, thanks. 7 tahun dalam bidang penulisan, 4 dah lahir.. I can’t say that I’m a great success dlm karyaseni and penulisan2u, but it sure a great success for me. Yang dapat buat drama, itu rezeki masing-masing and I tumpang gembira. Yeay! I love you guys so much.

I thanked Allah, my parents, publisher, readers, friends, and AA for supporting me during those days yang I struggle siapkan SPLIT. Muah ciked. Kbai.

Friday, July 7, 2017

A war

This happened when you didnt had meal for 2 days only

You hands start to experience minor shakes.
Your legs too and bila kau jalan, kau rasa tanah tu tak rata. Macam pijak batu bersepah. Bila-bila kau boleh jatuh.
Your heart start to beat faster. You'll experience shortness of breath and you can't really gasping for air. It'll really tiring you up.
Your head gonna spin a bit, get dizzy. Both your left and right brain gonna sting you a bit.
Don't worry. You still can get up.
You might had a chest pain. Maybe sebab angin.
Unconscious? Get ready to fall asleep deeper than you should.
Your weight will drastically fall. As me myself lost 2 kgs for 2 days.
Your eyes gonna be so heavy.
You're gonna throw up frequently like 3-4 times a day on the second day with empty stomach. But you won't die.

Scientifically, your glycogen (glucose) stores after a day. After that you'd begin to use up your fat stores. You'd start to feel weaker, be irritable due to hunger, and probably think less clearly, as your brain would use ketone bodies (from fatty acids) rather than glucose, which it prefers. But you wouldn't cause a whole lot of damage.

When you had a war in your mind, you won't think for other. just one. that one.